
Rain Rain Rain

It has been hot for so many days in a row. With temperature going up to 38 degrees C (ok, do the math for Fahrenhait! :-) ) and ultraviolet index reaching dangerous zone, it has been such a blessing to have to work, staying in the office to get cool. Thanks dad! Thanks mom! for giving me education.

Today, right before I was heading out of office to get lunch, it started to rain, and rained really really hard. Not pouring down rain yet, but each raindrop was so huge that it really hurt when it hit me. I simply walked across the street and my pants started to get wet from the knees down. Street vendors were smiling so much that they could not keep the mouth shut as it was much cooler, so they did not have to tolerate the heat as much. I was not a happy camper when my pants were still damm (or damn? or what?) at 3pm. They stink. :-(

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