
Last Day of Chinese Teaching Class

Yesterday was the last day of my Chinese teaching class. We had oral test in the morning and written test in the afternoon. During the oral test, we were given some reading material to test how well we pronounce Chinese, and 5 minutes to comment how we are doing in the whole training, what our recommendations are, and if/how we are going to explore this teaching career. I did ok in the reading material part, and was quite proud when I could read some sentimental material quite well, with some emotion of course. But the 5 minutes' comment was a total disater. My brain was total blank, and the next thing I realized is that I was using hm.. arhhh. ehhh to try to come out with some meaningful sentences, which is exactly what the teacher specifically asked us not to do. A reason to be mad at myself.

Written test was ok. Test time was 2 hours, and I was able to finish the whole thing in 50 minutes. Not that I am able to get a perfect score, but I figured I just did the best I could, and do not foresee I would fail or anything. I also realized I probably have not written so much, for so long, for a long long time. The last time was when I took the entrance exam to this training, and that happened 3 months ago.

After we finished the whole thing, 7 of us went to have some ice on campus, then we headed for dinner. Korean BBQ. The place is quite nice and popular. We sat in a corner and joked too much that I was glad we were put in the corner. Have not had such good laugh for a long while. After that, 5 of us went to Red House Plaza for a drink. Some ordered lychee wine, some Heineken green tea, some maitai. I ordered Long Island ice tea. Ice tea was quite strong. I started to feel drunk after I finished just a quarter. A lot of self disclosure time. Weather was ok. Breezy, not sure if that was natural breeze or just from the fan. We stayed there for 2+ hours, and did not leave until around 10pm.

It was a very nice day.

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