
New iPod Product

Apple just recently released new iPod products. I got to play with new iPod Nano. The feeling is very mixed. I do like the new screen that has great resolution, and offers good experience when it plays movies, but also have to agree with some critics that cover flow shows edges, and in my opinion, apple should refines the cover flow before the product release, or commit a date when they will release firmware update. It is not presentable at all, and comes as a suprrise that this is from Apple. Back cover is now shiny metal. It's very easy to leave fingerprints on it, and is also bad. The edge of the front cover is on the sharp side. I may not want to hold it in my hand on the bus to show it off, as it may hurt my palm and fingers. It also looks fat and short. If you put this new version along side with the previous slim version, I think there is an easy winner.

The store also has a demo machine iTouch. Did not have a chance to actually play with it, but it looks great, and simmer than I expected. Would like to go back to that store to try its browser. I always have some doubts if browser is really easy to use since you only get to see a very small portion of the website. But from the few glimpse of the gadget, the money seems really worth it.

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