
Albus Dumbledore

So both Dumbledore and Gandalf are gay. One is gay in the book, the other is gay in the real life. Great wizards.

Everyone likes comments. We always feel great when someone say something nice to us. But what if these comments bring back bad memory? What if the memory could be as bad as defeat (aka kill) someone you love? I think Dumbledore is a true tragedy in his love story.

We all know there are murderes out there. Some kill because they are depressed, victims of domestic violence. Some kill to revenge because partners cheat on them. Some, of course, for insurance. We all understand, but also believe law will do its justice. But Dumbledore saved the wizard world from dark magic. He is a hero. He faces the compliments and praises from all over, but I wonder if each compliment reminds him of the sweet and bitter memory of the life he spent with his love and how he decided to defeat him. We all move on after things happen, but you've got to admit that he/she always lives in some part of your memory. It is bad enough to have to go through rebound alone, and will surely be a lot worse for Dumbledore if people talk about his victory and triumph all the times. I really feel sorry for him.

Lumos. That's the only magic word I remember from the all the stories. That's why I am not great. *sigh*. Expellarisum... anyway, whatever.

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