

This movie was never in my radar until last Friday when a friend of mine sent me the link to its trailer when it was released. I love the music so much and just have to play the trailer again and again to enjoy it. A very bold way to do the trailer this way actully with music only, not even one single line is said, no car racing, and not even any explosion. Maybe because this movie caters to only a smaller communicty compared with those hollywood ones. I saw one movie from the same director. It was good but not impressive. It seemed to me that the director was more obsessed in telling his own story and had so much fun doing it, than telling a story that relates to the general public. That’s fine though, as this is then called art.

Not sure if I’ll see this movie or not, but if I do, it is for the score, and attention will be paid to assess if buying the soundtrack would be worth it.

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