

Those who know me in person know more or less that I have sleep problem. I would go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6. If I sleep later, like play wow until 2am, then I would still wake up at 6 or 6:30, then could not go back to sleep. That does not mean I am not tired, but just can’t sleep again, and then probably would feel miserable for the whole day. “Why don’t you try to go to bed earlier then, like 10pm”, you may ask. Thanks very much. That is a good idea. I’ve tried that, but woke up at 3 or 4. I can’t even sleep in on Sunday.

So yesterday when the wind blew (typhoon will hit Taiwan this weekend, damn it) through the window, and let the sunlight come in through the curtain, I opened my eyes, stretched, yawned, automatically assumed it was 6. I got up, went to the living room, and my bro was gone. I was wondering, why did he have to go to work so early? I stepped into the restroom and finished my morning ritual, awoke my computer (I was lazy and put it in sleep mode only).

It was 9:40.

I could not believe my eyes, and checked the time on Mistress, still 9:40. Oh, my, G. Not sure why that happened. The alarm on Mistress is set to go off at 7am, Monday through Friday. If I want to sleep in, and ignore it, it goes off every 9 minutes (don’t ask me why 9, not 10), and I did not hear anything.

Panicked, of course, it was the perfect time to scream and cry for help. Unfortunately no one was home to see me perform. I tried to think what I had to do, and remembered I had an interview at 10am (please, check your calendar for the next day before you call it a day). I tried to stay calm, said something out loud until I did not sound sleepy, then called our HR/secretary/reception (this is a small office) to inform her I was running late, and would get there by 10:15.

I hastened to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put on whatever is available from my closet, put the shoes on, picked up my backpack, hurried downstairs, waved the first taxi that came down the street and is available, and at 10am, I walked into the office, gracefully, smiling, pretending nothing was wrong, and everything was going as planned.

Later in the evening, sis-in-law asked me if I took time off to sleep in or not. She said so many things happened in the morning. The kid puked over her in the morning, so she had to wash her, changed diaper, run around the house making a lot of noise to cook and all that, but I did not move my finger at all, so she assumed I took half a day off and just tried to ignore her.

Honestly I do not know what happened and swear I did not hear anything. All I know was I went to bed and 12:30 and got up at 9:40, and was dead asleep. 9 hours’ sleep? That is the first in recent years, and you know what? I kind of miss the satisfaction I had when I stretched to greet the sunshine yesterday morning. Things like this do not happen very often.

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