

Last night before I went to bed, I read a little bit, tried to sleep but couldn't fall asleep, so got up and watched a few videos on youtube. One of the featured video is this Opera 2 of Vitas. I was tired, so did not really think much, so went on with another video and another after another.

Then this afternoon, Kroro, the girl I knew from plurk, sent me the message about the premiere of the upcoming movie Sherlock Holmes. She is going because she has a thing for Jude Law, and bought the whole collection of Sherlock Holmes for 2 free tickets to the premiere. We talked about Jude Law, his moustache as Watson in the movie, googled some of his photos, and while I browse through the photos, I remember I saw his movie, I wiki'ed, and figured that movie I watched is 'the Holiday'. Well, I was not so impressed with him in 'the Holiday', as he appeared to be just a single horny bachelor. That's about it. That's when the video of Vitas' came to my mind.

I did not remember the title, nor the name of the singer, but was able to find out by using a few keywords like 'russian'. So I countered Kroro by suggesting Vitas is actually quite cute and has a great voice. I went on, while still chatting on MSN, with a few other video clips of Vitas, then 'Kiss as long as eternity' blew me away. Nice song, nice lyrics, nice voice, and he is so so handsome. Wow. He is tall, slim, with face features just like scultures, and at the same time, very masculine. I especially love the clip when he put the hourglass upside down, and touch the machine (what is that?) gently. And such a handsome man plays the piano. Wow. That's all I can say.

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