

It's that time of the year when I think I should be with my own family. Strange feeling. It's supposed to be cold, and furnace is supposed to be burning, apple cider with cinnamon served, eggnog kept somewhere in the refrigerator.

I don't like photos that much, but did have a few in my collections. Thanks for the digital photography technologies, those photos look as new as 5 or 6 years ago. With the photos, I get to see the angel in the bathroom. The painting of Standford I received for my birthday. These 2 souvenirs are long gone. The sofa, blank wall, humble bedroom, and the tiny computer desk I got to love much, and that just hides in the corner without taking much space at all, the soup bowels that I keep until now.

Stability seems like a dream, with all those happening right now. When I feel I can at last take a breath, after these few years, and feel relaxed, but then more things are waiting to pop up and stir up my life again.

It's not bad. I feel more alive this way. With all the frustration with work, and the helpless feelings for the others, it is then nice to hide at home, finally emotionally, the whole day on weekends. It is nice to search in the refrigerator, cook something, do some cleanup, and sit by the round table to eat and read my novel.

Not sure how long it is going to last. But browsing at home, I realize that it's not time to get lot of things. If things happen, then all the stuff on the bookshelf could be gone. I'm tired of bringing those with me. Actually there are alternatives for that. Music is already digital. Movies can be tossed. It's time to investigate digital books.

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