

This is so cute. I wish I could have a cat, but just can't provide a stable life that cats need.


The Man Who Cried

This may be the first time I do not use poster for the movie, simply because its name does not make much sense to me, and the Chinese name is so much worse. I probably would not wanna go watch the movie at all if the name is the only information I have, and, I am not a fan of Johnny Depp.

Why do I put the video from youtube then? Cause this song is played throughout the movie, and it is just great. I had to search in youtube, and find my favorite version. The song is called "Je crois entendre encore", written by Bizet. Domingo's version is good too, but his voice is just way to powerful. He is still a better fit to be a soldier that kills.

What about the movie? I don't really care.

This is a good version, too.


Alberta Travel Guide

I was trying to get some travel information regarding Alberta online, but could hardly get anything. Most sites focused on the whole Canada, or the major places like Vancouver. I decided to read some information regarding Alberta, or Calgary, and that is when wikipedia took me to this site

I think it is official website for Alberta tourism. I was able to register and request travel guide. Well, the books came in yesterday. I was so surprised to find it in my mail box, and it actually came from Edmonton, capital of Alberta. The information is pretty much similar, if not the same, as the website. However, it is better to have the print version anyway. I'll need to read it and do my homework from there. The book also shows the website of the major attractions, so it serves as a very good start.

It looks like I'm very interested in 3 things. The first is the dinosaur park. From the photos in the travel guide, it does look like dinosaur would fly through those rocks. The second is the Banff National Park. F said that the mountains there are snow capped all year round. That would be interested. The last would be Brokeback mountain trip. The towns where the movie was shot are right south of Calgary. It would be interesting to see that par of Rocky mountain.


My mom sent some food over. Spring rolls were the most important, as it is seasonal food for tomb festival. She also sent some Salmon. I cooked one fillet some days ago, and it turned out good, so I cooked the second one last night.

Of course I sprayed some salt the night before, and only used some oil when I pan fried it. The mashed potato was so so good. I did not have any ingredients to make the gravy, so decided to open a canned peanuts, and used the watery sauce instead. It turned out to be a perfect combination, and there is really no reason to figure out how to make gravy at all. Soft peanuts also go with the mashed potato very well.

I was hungry when I got home, so while potato was simmering on the stove, I got myself some tomato, and make myself a big glass of iced tea. I read the travel guide, having a sip of the iced tea, and then some tomatoes. By the time the potatoes were done, all the tomatoes had been finished, and half a glass of iced tea gone. It turned out to be a very enjoyable experience, to be alone, and to have a good time.



I saw the trees on the way to work. The flowers look much more attractive in real than on the photo. Not sure if I took similar photo at the same location last year, but when I look at this photo, I have a feeling of deja-vu. It's hard to belive how those few little flowers can do, but they really make the neighborhood much more attractive.