

I turned in VSP (Voluntary Separation Package) application to HR today, and HR confirmed that is all they need to proceed with my exit process. HR then sent out an email few minutes later (so efficient) to inform all related divisions (IT, corporate service, finance, etc) that I will leave the company on July 11, so they'll remember to get the computer back, add the separation package to my July payroll. So the countdown has started to tick.

6 years in the optic communication industry, and it is time to end. Some coworkers get offer from the new company, and I can just keep my fingers crossed for them. The previous leader brought us to this corporate. I think this is the best thing that could happen to us. With less resource and more uncertainties in the new one, they just have to be more aggressive to make things happen as quickly as possible.

And for me? Well, I've got an offer and will be on board on July 14. Keep fingers crossed for me, too.

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