
Gone for a Dance

The movie tells story of how passion for dancing passes down 3 generation, and in each generation the man abandons the family to pursue his passion. I am not quite certain if Guy, the second generation, abandons the pub he creates with the girl friend to pursue his passion though, because he has creates a happy life and good business with her, and he leaves everything behind right after his mother's visit.

Maurice commits suicide. Guy refuses to be found and stay connected with his own family. His son, Francois, has to verify Guy is his real father from Guy's ex girl friend. Francois wants his wife to think he is dead. When we feel shameful, it is always easy to just escape. The director chooses dancing as the incentive, but it can be anything, and it can happen to anyone.

There are a few dancing clips in the movie, and most were like shot for 3 minutes and only were included in the movie for 1.5 minutes, so they don't look complete and make me feel odd. The only dancing I like is when Guy and Francois dance together and Guy presents the audience with the new Gene Broadway (Francois). That is a successful and complete dance.

Laura Brown came to my mind. Laura is one of the 3 major characters in the Hours. She also abandons her family when her children are little. Nothing is mentioned how her husband deals with it and how the kids go through it especially when the husband dies quite early. It would be interesting to investigate that.

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