
Yahoo Briefcase

I received an email from Yahoo saying that Yahoo Briefcase will stop the service. I have totally forgotten this service, but do remember I have something there. So I clicked on the link and, yes, I still have my resumes. The modification time shows when I was looking for a job. It looks sad.

I used to love Yahoo's services. Yahoo photo was good, but then it was obsoleted by Flicr. They even had pager service. If I remember correctly, people could dial 1-800-My-Yahoo, and dial my personal ID and leave me a voice mail. Then Yahoo system would send me an email with that voice mail as an attachment, so I can hear the voice mail if I have email access. Now the environment has changed a lot, and Yahoo does not seem to keep up with the change very well. Regular emails from friends are sent to trash folder. Important credit card statements are sent to trash folder, and I do not how to tell the system not to do that. Spams from certain senders repeatedly show in the inbox, no matter how many times I have marked them spam. Yahoo just has not done enough to attract me anymore.

I am now a Google user.


Hugh Jackman, Oh Yeah.

The only nice thing about the movie "Australia" is really that Hugh Jackman acts in it. Now he did great in the opening of Oscar. Very attractive performance. I'm going to pay more attention to him like the way I paid attention to Nicole Kidman after the Hours.



Heard of his name, heard of Moscone center, heard that Diane Feinstein took over the position of mayor after the accident, but really did not know much about Harvey Milk. This movie is very good for those who keeps track of issues for minorities and what minority groups have to go through to fight for what most people take for granted. 30 years later, the battle is not over yet. Californias just lost a major one last year.

It's good to see San Franciso again, really. Strange feeling of being homesick.


Teresa Teng - Stories Like Yesterday

I don't remember what brought to the topic of Teresa Teng, but I told my sister, whenever I think of Teresa Teng, Stories like yesterday is always the first song of hers that pops into my mind, without fail. Strangely, my sister does not know anything about it, even after I tried to sing to her.

This video is Karaoke version, so does not sound as nice. There is a better version on youtube, but I am not allowed to embed it into my blog.

I'd like to ask white clouds to send you our stories.
Maybe our stories would be something that you could use when you weave your memories.
White clouds come and go in such a hurry,
they left me without saying good bye,
leaving me with stories like they just happened yesterday.
Whom should I turn to when I have something to tell?
Now I realize how it feels to miss someone.
Missing you is bitter.

Rice Porridge

I bought a jar of of preserved tofu flavored with plum when I visited Jiouxi the last time. The preserved tofu does not taste extremely salty like regular ones, but contains a very tangy fragrance that I cannot describe. It goes with rice porridge very well, and I think I've found my best recipe.

Ingredient: rice: 80ml, water: 4 cups, ground pork: 100g, cabbage: some, salt: some.
It is hard to describe how much cabbage is needed. I did not measure it. More cabbage means less water when it is done.

Boil the rice in the water. Turn the stove to as low as possible when the water boils. Put the lid on and boil it for another 10 minutes.
Add ground pork and cabbage and some salt, and boil it for another 10 minutes, and it is done.

Of course I added some preserved tofu, and it simply melts in the soup, and adds so much depth to the rice porridge. Yummy. But for some reason the preserved tofu looks a bit like shxt on the photo...


Canadian Immigration Change

I was quite curious of the immigration progress that R has, since I think she filed the application a long time ago. Even I filed mine more than a year ago already, and she had filed long before I did. Got her response this morning. She said there has been a change, which happened in February 2008 and I did not know . The change is that only people on the list of 38 professional categories would be eligible for immigration as skill workers to Canada. Click here for the list.

Of course nether R or I is affected by this new law, as we filed before the law was introduced. However, the Canadian government will expedite the application of the new 38 categories, and fast track for others means longer wait for us. I do not have particular need for the immigration, but R has her professional plan, so I really want hers to be process as soon as possible.

It is interesting to look at the categories, and know that Canada is a quite a different country from Taiwan, with much more natural resources to hire petroleum engineer, etc.

But wait. Plumber? Welder? Maybe for those who would like to immigrate to Canada, it is time to drop the college education, and enroll in vocational school instead, or find a ‘master’ to learn those necessary skills after junior high school to be a plumber and welder, and become one of those attractive plumber as shown in the photo, Mike Delfino, the plumber from Desperate Housewives.

And wait! Financial manager? I thought we are having a financial crisis across the globe now…


Valentine's Day

It's St. Valentine's Day today. Spent some time on the game. Someone brought fireworks to the raid tonight. Of course, there is celebration for this special occasion. See, the fireworks is the shape of hearts.



This is the game from last night. There are 2 phases in the battle. In phase 1 I have stand on the platform. In phase 2 the boss will transport to the platform, so I have to run. The area for running is divide into 4 sections. Lava come out of 3 section, so only one section is safe to be in. We just have to run and run.

I am the cute tree in the center of the screen. I am a healer.



This is the spam I've been getting recently on a daily basis. When I received this notice the first time, I did not know who that was, so intuitively I clicked deny button. Then after that, every time I log on MSN, I get this popup window, then I realized this is a spam. No one will manually request to add me every time he gets rejected. This is really annoying, but I cannot find any option to set up my MSN account, so only those on my friend list can contact me.