
Yahoo Briefcase

I received an email from Yahoo saying that Yahoo Briefcase will stop the service. I have totally forgotten this service, but do remember I have something there. So I clicked on the link and, yes, I still have my resumes. The modification time shows when I was looking for a job. It looks sad.

I used to love Yahoo's services. Yahoo photo was good, but then it was obsoleted by Flicr. They even had pager service. If I remember correctly, people could dial 1-800-My-Yahoo, and dial my personal ID and leave me a voice mail. Then Yahoo system would send me an email with that voice mail as an attachment, so I can hear the voice mail if I have email access. Now the environment has changed a lot, and Yahoo does not seem to keep up with the change very well. Regular emails from friends are sent to trash folder. Important credit card statements are sent to trash folder, and I do not how to tell the system not to do that. Spams from certain senders repeatedly show in the inbox, no matter how many times I have marked them spam. Yahoo just has not done enough to attract me anymore.

I am now a Google user.

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