
Julie & Julia

Ed and I went for lunch together, and we had a long chat afterwards. I was ready to kick him out at 4, but he kept talking and talking, so before I came to my senses again, it was 5:30. He wanted to watch a movie, so we decided to run to Miramal to grab a quick dinner first. Julie & Julia has a showtime at 7, perfect for us.

I did not know Julia Child before the movie, and so was not aware of her high pitched voice. But half way through the movie, I was really uncomfortable about the voice of Meryl Streep. After I returned home, I digged out some of the cooking shows of Julia Child on youtube, and concluded that Meryl did a good job at the voice, but she overdid it a bit. I am not sure where she got the accent, but she certainly gave me an impression that Julia Child is an immigrant of the first generation.

Plain stories are told in the movie. There are no big ups and downs. Although the movie talks about food, but food never plays an important part, instead, it is the process of the preparation that counts, like husband and wife watching the cooking show together, shopping for ingredients, boiling the lobsters. Some may feel that it is a shame that food plays an important role, but we never get to see how delicious the food looks like, but I think it is a great idea not to show the food. We are quite lucky to live in an era without wars, and people can afford to eat out, and there are so many restaurants to choose from if we decide to, and most of them are quite affordable. We've seen food, and how well food can be presented. There is no need to purchase the movie ticket to see that in the theater, but it is good to see the loving relationship between the 2 couples, and their loving way to maintain it.

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