

For a very long time, I only have one credit card from local banks in Taiwan. Part of the reason is that one credit card is really good enough for me. I always pay off the amount due, and really treat the charges I put on the credit card as cash I spend. As pretty much a minimalist, one more credit in my wallet is no good. I carry the credit cards I applied in US when I travel, just to make sure I have additional card with me just in case if for any reason, the one does not work. It will be a hassle to pay the bill from Taiwan anyway, and luckily I ended up not using them at all.

But I also like to have the convenience of an additional card from local bank just in case if anything happens when I travel, and I want to be able to pay the bill easily. So I decided on one card when the bank was running promotion. Not so sure of what the promotion is now. It had something to do with movies. It was like a large percentage off when I watched the movies at certain theaters during the week.

There were many rumors of credit card frauds flying around, so I did not fill out the form right at the theater. I asked for a business card from the bank employee, took it home, did my assessment, and decided to go ahead with the application. I filled out the form, and called the bank to make sure the person I talked to at the movie theater was actually their employee, then I sent out the application.

I waited and waited, and then waited, but received no response whatsoever. I called the customer service. The lady who answered my call was polite, but wanted me to do all I could to make sure I had filled out everything, included all the required documents, and sent it out. Of course I was annoyed, and was so sure I had done everything. I even kept the date when I sent it. I was complaining so much over the phone until the lady promised to search for my application and give me a call back once she has more information.

She called few days later and told me because the form I had filled out was out of date, so they decided not to approve my application, and my application form was shredded.

Right, they did not even bother to send me a notice for their disapproval. I was wondering if she did not find anything at all, anyway, I was so angry that I decided not to do anything with this bank anymore.

Oops, never say never. The new company I work for now uses this bank to deposit employee’s paychecks, so every employee must have their account. Their account provides very minimum services, only savings account and mutual fund. That’s all, not even CD. The good thing about this account is that I don’t have to pay transaction fee when I use ATM of other banks to withdraw cash. I can also set up 5 special accounts, so when I transfer fund to any of those 5 accounts, no transaction fee will be incurred either.

So I’m going to just keep enough for my monthly expense, so I can withdraw without paying fee, enough to pay credit bill, so I can pay online without transaction fee. Other than that, fund will be transferred out of the bank as soon as I get it, to one of the 5 accounts I set up of course, without paying transaction fee.

I still hate this bank.

PS: Attached is the freebie when I signed up for the account. It's a set of chopsticks, spoon and fork. I have 3 sets of similiar thing... They don't even give good gifts.


Anonymous said...


看到最後 I still hate the bank

就一直笑 XD

Sean Cheng said...

呵, 我真的還是很討厭匯豐. XD