
Picks Tooth

E and I went met for breakfast on Saturday morning. We were at the train station area, and for some reason, I just do not know that area well enough to know where to go. Then I though of this Royal Host on the first floor of YMCA. It would be nice to sit down to be served. So we went there. Breakfast was ok. For 140NT, it was really nice to sit there chatting, with free refill of coffee.

When I finished my breakfast and reached for toothpicks, oops, picks tooth? Oh my G. This is a good one.


cheng said...


cheng said...

It's me cheng(max)

Sean Cheng said...

我猜可能是怕有人剔不夠, 手沒擦, 溼溼地又拿了一根, 順便把所有的牙籤都弄髒了吧.