

Few months ago, I organized my old photos left at my folks' , put them in a box, and shipped it to Taipei. The idea was to scan all those pictures into my computer and toss the physical ones. Considering photos taken just merely 10 years ago are now so blurry, I really don't have the desire to keep them forever. But of course, I was lazy to kick off this project. Then I remembered J had done some before, so I asked for a copy. But then the CD sat on the desk for ages, until yesterday when I finally picked it up, and spent 3 minutes to import to the computer.

Attached is one of my favorite. It shows the good old days when I was slim and beautiful. I used to tell J if the difference between my height and weight (in metrics) falls below 100, I'd rather die. With the weight hitting the record by the day, I guess it is high time to try to stop the trend.

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