
The Memory Keeper's Daughter

I finished this book over Chinese New Year. I bought it in Bangkok last December as I forgot to bring any Chinese book over, so decided to get one just in case I was bored. Read a few chapters in Bangkok, but then had kept it in my bag for a while after I returned, but was never able to read a few more pages without being sidetracked. Having a TV in the bedroom, and a computer for online game is definitely a bad idea for reading. Glad I brought it back to Tainan. No internet connection at my parents', so the laptop was rendered useless. There was not that much to do there, and I planned to stay for a week. So after doing nothing for 3 days other than eating and sleeping like a pig, I finally picked it up and started to read it again.

Fascinating and mesmerizing story. Although it is hard for me to imagine what happened to that couple could continue to affect them for the remaining decades of their lives. Things happen, we fall, we get up, then we move on. Scars heal over time. But I still take the story as is. Friend M will probably scoff at me for what I am saying here. He still hears me whine for something that happened long time ago. Poor guy.

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