
Last Day

Last day at work. I left home at the usual time, and took some photos on the way, knowing I may not walk on this street anymore, at least not this particular stretch, in this early morning, hungry, getting myself ready in every way to face another new day.

There were only few usful emails to answer. Things have wound down this much. I quickly answered them, without giving any instruction but kindly referring the emails to associated persons, and closed the lid. I had sent out farewell email the day before with my contact information. That looks like a routine thing to do for people who are leaving the company. I did not try to erase any personal information from the computer, because IT will simply wipe out all the data on the computer and install clean system before he hands this fine Lenovo T61 to another employee.

I talked to few coworkers, went out for coffee with one. Some have found internal transfer opportunities. Some are still looking, but have given up foreign companies, and will focus on domestic corporates. Some shared their gloomy prospect for people who are going to join the company that acquired my division. Some complained about the manager. Everyone was willing to share upon approached.

I felt nothing though.

I seemed to be very accurate on all this divestment thing. Well, I guess whoever has been through such a thing could know better. I knew all along that I would not get offer from the new company. With the local potential competitors all pretty much having gone under, I knew finding another job would mean change to a different field, which will not be easy. Luckily, I have an offer and will be on board next Monday. I tried to stay away as much as possible from the gossip about the new company, about disscussing what the next step of each engineer will be, and focused on what I want. Fortunately, I think I have done that gracefully.

Exiting process is like a breeze. I had already cleaned my cubical very well, so when the Corporate Services came to check, there was no much for them to clean up. I left at noon and enjoyed the very last free afternoon time. Starting next week, it will be a different battle.



Anonymous said...

Best wishes for your new job

Sean Cheng said...

Thanks you, dear friend.