
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

First complaint: The name of the movie is too long for the title. I was tempted to use "Grandpa Jones" instead, but still decided to use the full name at the last minute, for respect.

Same old kind of story line. Grandpa Jones is actually old, and they did not intend to hide it at all. The first scene of him on the movie was a jaw dropping omg. I need to go rent the first 3 episodes to revive my memory how handsome he used to be as my resort of mental rehabilitation.

Storyline is still same old. Grandpa Jones is knowledgeable to find clues easily, aboriginal enemies coming out of nowhere, fight against another country (Russia this time), but it is the kind of Dr. Jones story we have been waiting for for years. The humors, and the fun they add to the actions, you know some people will die, get creepy but also a big laugh when you see them die. This is IT. Go watch it!

I also love the female Russian character, Irina, especially the way her hair does not move at all, which gives some taint of cruelty, but also makes her cartoonish. At the end when the alien gives her the power to see, her hair turns a bit messy from the wind, and that is a bit disappointing. She should remain the same till the moment she turns into dust.

Romance is important for a hero. This time Grandpa Jones marries his old time sweet heart. Marriage? Are you kidding me? It's like the hero is pronounced dead! If this movie sells well, I'm sure his son is going to take it over in the next episode.

Savage Grace

Very interesting but disturbing story. Although the movie introduction may show that it is adapted from a real story that just happened 30 years ago, but it does not mention the incest scene when the mother and the son have sex, and the son kills the mother at the end of the movie.

It has been days since I watched this movie. I cannot remember too much detail, but some scenes are quite impressive.

This first scene is the sex between the husband and the wife. Both are dressed. The wife looks into mirror, and the camera shoots the mirror and her reflection, twice. The gives me a helpless feeling of how her soul is constrained.

The second scene is when she was gracefully entertaining the guests, and wants her son to read a paragraph to the guests. The son was reluctant to obey, and the guests were trying to talk her out of it. She sends the son back to the son, but overhears the comments about her ass. She comes out pissed and screams and shoves the guest out of her house.

The third scene is when she and the escort were lying on the bed when the son comes back. The son gets on the bed and hugs the escort. She wakes up and see this awkward situation, the escort wakes up and see what happens. Then she bursts into laughters, and then they all start to laugh. Julianne Moore is very good in this scene.

The fourth scene is when she has sex with her son. She treats him just like a regular man, but he is totally confused, and actually looks desperate.

The last scene is after the son kills the mother, he is very calm. He calls the police, and calls takeout food to be delivered because he is starving. When the police arrives, he sits on the floor eating and answering the policemen, still calm, with the mother lying beside him.

This is definitely not a movie for the general public, but go for it if you are tired of happy endings and fairy tales.


Download Is Better And Faster

I get frustrated with Youtube sometimes, especially at night when everyone is using the internet, that's when Youtube is always slow and barely usable. Tonight. Same. I reached a point when I decided to try to download the video first. Surprisingly, it was a lot faster to download than to watch it online. I tried it a few times. Sometimes even when I finished the download already, watching online had just barely started.

Another thing to note is that from the website that discusses Youtube development, Youtube is moving to better quality. This video can be a good example. I downloaded this video and played it full screen on my 20" screen. The quality is very good and color vivid. But when I watched it online and played it also in full screen mode, it's easy to tell the quality is worse. I can see something like mosaic once in a while.

It's really better and faster to download.

Convert Convert Convert

I like David Cook and want to bring his music with me. Itune is good to use, but I don't like their security thing at all. Below is an alternative.

1. Download video from Youtube. Instruction can be found here. Save it as a .mp4 file
2. Launch ffmpegx and convert from there. I am attaching a screenshot of ffmpegx here.

During the conversion, I found that ffmepgx detects the music in the youtube movie as mp2 format. I tried to extract the music and convert to mp3 format directly, but it didn't work. I then tried to extract the music in mp2 format as the first step, then use the same ffmegx to convert to mp3 format, and it worked. I can then copy the music to my cell phone and carry David wherever I go. Grrrrrr

When downloading the Youtube movie, I saw that the movie can be downloaded as 3gp format also, which is the movie format that my cell phone uses. I tried, but for some reason my cell phone does not play the 3gp format I download directly. Need to spend more time on that.

VMware Fusion

I have been in a shopping spree lately. Having given up on the idea of traveling to US, I feel like I have every right to compensate myself with everything I can afford. Will I use them much? I don't think so, but the thought of owning them makes me feel nice.

This time I bought VMware Fusion. It is a software with which I can run Windows on my Mac. Why Windows if I am pretty happy with things that Mac offers? Sometimes I still need to compromise with the reality that some Taiwanese websites are designed for IE only, and I am especially frustrated with banks and government websites where drivers for ATM card reader is only available in Windows and some features for IE only are enabled and I don't get to read anything with my FireFox. I can access those websites now still because I have a company laptop that runs Windows, but with the last day of transition announced, I know I need to get something on my own.

Attached is a screenshot of having my Firefox browser and Windows displayed side by side on my Mac. It's good to know such software is available so I do not have to invest on a PC. I simply do not have space for another computer.



My company held a birthday party today for those who were born in May. We played a game, and had pizza, chicken. It was quite fun. I also had my photo taken with a funny birthday hat by beautiful balloons.

Everyone gets a gift from the company. This year it is a small key chain customized with our own name. It looks very artistic. I love it.

Just received the photos from the party. I looked ok.


New Toy - Sony DSC-W170

I wanted to get a new digital camera, and decided to choose Sony W170. The reason is, it is a Sony. :-D As simple as that. I always thought that I could get a beautiful T200 or T300, and a red one. The red model of T200 just looks stunning. I remember having this conversation with my cousin one time over the Chinese New Year about digital camera. She asked if I am going to pay for the same price, will I choose its looks or its functions? I answered without thinking, of course its looks. She was shocked, oh well. I was in love with red T200. What can I say?

Yesterday I went into the store, and asked for W170 immediately, without looking around one more time. What color, I was asked. I paused and then had to go back to the shelf. MM said silver color. Hm... I am not that crazy for silver color on any electronic consumer products. Black? I asked. MM said it is really not my color. So there is only choice left. Red.

And I was quite happy this morning when I took the camera out to take some photos of my neighborhood. When I held the camera in my hand, omg, I'm so glad it's not black. Click on the photos below to see the original size of the photos. They were taken in 5 mega pixels.

I have to walk past this apartment complex every day. This is an ok apartment complex, I'd say, however, I really the way the whole complex is U-shaped and how they lower the garden, so you can actually get a very nice view of the garden. The sidewalk is always nice and clean. The guard always looks friendly. I enjoy watching the leaves of the trees fall in the winter and seeing the buds coming out every spring. It is amazing how fast the leaves grow back. It will be nice to live in there, but it is way out of my reach.

This side street is where we have evening market. It was early in the morning when I walked out to take photos, so the street looks a bit dead quiet. Some people start their business early, and are selling meat already. You may wonder, if there are not that many people to buy the meat, are they gonna leave the meat in the open air on the stand till evening market? This street starts to get busy at around 3pm. It is quite fun to grocery shopping here.

I like this corner of the street. The building is recessed, and the trees are beautiful. What's more special about this area is that the street makes a sharp turn at this corner, so no matter which end of the street you come from, you get to see these buildings. What bugs me is the hideous addons on the buildings. It would be such so nice if they did not do anything to the buildings.


Always Be My Baby

It's good to put Mariah's and David's versions side by side to compare. They are both so good in different ways.

David Cook Won

I like both, but honestly I want Cook to win. He is so great and hot. So far my favorite performance of his is still "Always be my baby". He won my heart right then.

Below is the studio version of "Time of My Life"

Simon Cowell on Ellen

Ellen is so fun when Simon said he was half right, and Ellen snapped "Right, you were wrong". It was so cute.


My Best Love Story Is You

This song breaks the language barrier. I don't have to understand the lyrics, and I think it is beautiful. Although I have this song in my iTune library, I still think this version on youtube is actually better than the CD version.

Love may come in different forms. Some appears as care, some loyalty, some may be like air, something that you cannot detect but you also cannot live without, that you take for granted and that is also there to be taken for granted. It will be so romantic to hold his hands, look into his eyes, and tell him, you are my best love story.

Of course, the response will be, honey, I know (kiss), but you are still going to do the dishes tonight. And don't forget to iron the shirts too!

What a life.



I was bored to tears over the weekend. This hiking turned out to be the only highlight.

We had an early start. The original idea was to meet at the MRT station, but buses don't run that often early on weekends. So V picked me up at 6:30am, and we headed for Yangmin University.

It is a very short hiking. It begins with a long slope going up. A bit too long, in my opinion. I'd prefer steps instead of a long slope. We stopped once in the middle to catch our breath. Already hot at around 7:30. It did not take long to reach the top. We had not met for quite a while, so I really did not measure how long it took. It was just shocking to know his oldest son is already 5. Now I think about it, that's about right. He was only few months old when I came back from US. See how fast time flies? That first time when I held him in my arms, his neck was not even stiff yet. Very soft sweet baby. And now his younger brother is already 1 year and 1 month old.

Very nice view at the top. We had a good view overlooking Tamsui river, Guandu, and other areas. I never realized it could be this easy to feel the earth under my feet. Quite amazing.


California, More Options to Marry

Got few emails from friends regarding the milestone from California Supreme Court that rules in favor of same-sex marriage. New York Times also wrote an article about the ruling.

I think I like the Chief Justice George said that right. Tradition alone does not justify the denial of a fundamental constitutional right.

To look on the bright side, even straight Californians have the luxury to have more chances to find love, from the same sex. Never say never. Things happen.

Now think about it. Governor Schwarzenegger is a smart person. He vetoed the law to appeal to the Republicans, but is also firm to assert that he will not support an amendment to the constitution that will overturn this ruling, which will definitely make GLBT families happy.


Drink Mixer And Swizzle Stic

I am pretty much a minimalist, and normally do not like surprises if that means I need to have another schedule to toss those I deem unnecessary. But this is sweet surprise from MM, drink mixer and swizzle stick.

Although I knew it all along what MM would get me but still had to pretend to be native and clueless and guess something else... ok I admit I did not have a clue what that was, and was not sure at the same time why MM was so confident her presents would cheer me up. And it did. Well, I'm not alcoholic, but do have 2 bottles of liquor still at home. Got them from Bangkok airport as the last resort to use up all my Thai bahts, and feel like I need to finish them so I could toss the bottles to make more room. The little problem is that I get drunk easily and no one takes advantage of me , so this mixer is too much for me, but it's so nice to know I can easily make some cocktail at home. It adds spice to my life.


Me and Sweet Hearts

Visited N last Saturday and had a lot of fun with the dogs. They were all abandoned at one point, but N took them home. They are very sweet and extremely nice to stranger like I am. It's nice to have pictures taken as souvenirs.


Walking Ad

This guy wore the ad and a hat showing the way to new apartment complex. Very cool. He was reading newspaper when I walked by. No need to raise and wave the sign in the intersection anymore. I like it.



I was thinking of the 2 LCD monitors I left for J after that visit to N. Could not resist the curiosity and called him. 15" died few years ago, but the 12" survived. That's what he said. Then he continued, by the way, your birthday is coming up. Wanna meet for dinner? I was just in completely good mood, and it's sweet to be remembered, so why not?

Not such to note down here. We had not met for 3 years, I guess. He said he remembered that was a TGI Friday the last time, and I still remembered it was the one on Chungching South Road. He brought me a set of Golden Girls, remembering I love to watch it and I only have season 1. I must have said that a century ago and in fact I have up to season 5 now. Pirated version of course, considering he is even cheaper than I am. Box is a big damaged. He explained he did not get it new for me. He watched a few episodes, but it is still complete, talking and touching the box like a silly idiot. The box design is actually beautiful.

When is the last time you are remembered?


WoW What?

I had to give MM an external CDROM so she can install programs to her cutie EPC. We decided to meet for dinner and try a Japanese restaurant. On the way over, I saw the sign of this store, and paused for a little bit. Then MM saw it too and we began to laugh. WOW means to us more than the online game I play than anything else. We were surprised this is a salon, but an internet cafe.


Annual Health Checkup

It's that time of the year to do annual health checkup. This year, we have one additional item, to check the poop (should I say excrement?).

The instruction on the plastic shows very clearly the amount we should submit:
Poop amount should be similar to the image on the right.
(Attention: Test bottle will be returned if the amount is too much or too little)

The thing is this test bottle is transparent. I am not so sure how girls think about it, but could this conversation happen:

Good morning, Linda, how's it going? Oh you brought your bottle with you. I am sorry your stomach was upset this morning. Are you ok? By the way, I think you worked too hard on the amount. The test bottle will be returned to you, as per the instruction.

I am sure everyone deserves privacy on their own excrement even.

Trees Trimmed

I went home early yesterday and it was still bright when I walked by the park. There used to be a short trail from the bottom right corner to the left that I took every day as a shortcut. Now I just have to walk a bit longer (20 feet more at most, but far enough for me to complain) around the corner. And the trees had been trimmed! This is the second time I have seen such a thing in my neighborhood. I don't know how long it takes the trees to grow back, but are they not supposed to cover and give shade? Why did people not trim all the trees there, but just some instead? It looks so ugly now. It is like shaving few spots on the head, and leaving hair grow everywhere else on the head.


Where Is Reject Button?

I have not signed on Google Analytics for a while, and this is the popup I received when I just tried to log in. Where is the reject button? It is ok to fool users if they do not pay attention, but for those who do, I feel that Google is showing no respect, and I definitely chose no.

Nice Guy

We are all drawn to other people in some ways, maybe he smells good, she is attractive, he has cute firm butts, or she has lovely boobs. That is always the first step, then we are eager to know the person better. Hanging out is good, then if things go well, a step further down is always encouraging. When things do not go well, people tend to say "you are a nice guy, but...". In Taiwan, we have a special term for that, nice guy card. It avoids the embarrassment to say negative things later on when we talk to friends what happened, we like to gossip anyway, like I was just rejected by blah blah blah, but concentrate on the positive. I am still nice guy no matter what.

Reading the explanation on wikipedia makes me realize that this term has been around for quite a while, but in Taiwan, now we would just say, I just receive a "nice guy card" if we are rejected. I am sure some people 'issue' a lot of cards when they have many fans.

Piano, Solo

MM got free tickets, and invited me to watch this movie together.

It tells the story of a talented Italian jazz musician, Luca Flores, who committed suicide at the age of 38 in 1995. Good music flows through the movie. I cannot, however, realize from the movie how the accident in which his mother died affects him emotionally, and which leads to his collapse. I read the movie guide before I watched the movie, but still could not detect some critical points while I was in the theater. Maybe I was just too absorbed in the music.

The acting is very good. I like the way they arrange the family video at the end of the movie. It makes the story complete.


Quick Try of Offline Google Docs

I heard that we would be able to do offline Goggle Docs very soon, but my account was never offered this option. Well, not today. :-) I signed on this morning and saw "new feature" flickering at the top right corner, so I wanna give it a try.

The first picture shows my Google Docs after I switched off the internet connection on my computer. Note that between setting and my email address on the top right corner lies a 'do not enter' sign. It shows that the internet is currently disconnected. Also note that under the Google logo on the top left corner, 'new' is grayed out, which means that I cannot create a new file when the computer is offline. This is disturbing. If I am a student and have to run to 4 different classes today. I'd love to open a new file for each different course to write down my notes. What good is it if I cannot create new files offline?

The second picture shows the edit mode. I added a line at the top of that document. Google Doc shows clearly that I am editing if offline mode.

Now I go back to the file list, it shows which file has been edited offline. I then turned on internet connection, and files are uploaded automatically without I having to do anything. I'd be interested to measure how soon files will be uploaded once the internet is connected, but lack the scientific way to do so.

Overall experience is good. If I am tired of working at home, and want to run to a coffee shop to work some more, but don't feel like paying a lot of money for internet connection at that coffee shop, then offline Google Docs seems like a good solution, even though I would really like to be able to create a new file offline

Old Kid

I visited N's place last week, and saw his Acer F51 LCD monitor. F51 is one of my early projects when I worked for Benq (It was Acer Peripheral Inc). I used to have a 12" and 15" model, but J kept them when I went to US in '99. N said he bought it long time ago and it is still working fine now. I know this is one of the very early models, because this model was later changed to FPxxx, showing it is flat panel, even before I left Benq. I was so surprised and happy to see this one.

80, 120

I can't believe my eyes when I saw this. Parking rate is 80 NTD per hour, and 120 NTD per hour if you park 4 hours or more. The more you spend, the more expensive it becomes. Hello? This is the parking lot of Howard Hotel.