
Quick Try of Offline Google Docs

I heard that we would be able to do offline Goggle Docs very soon, but my account was never offered this option. Well, not today. :-) I signed on this morning and saw "new feature" flickering at the top right corner, so I wanna give it a try.

The first picture shows my Google Docs after I switched off the internet connection on my computer. Note that between setting and my email address on the top right corner lies a 'do not enter' sign. It shows that the internet is currently disconnected. Also note that under the Google logo on the top left corner, 'new' is grayed out, which means that I cannot create a new file when the computer is offline. This is disturbing. If I am a student and have to run to 4 different classes today. I'd love to open a new file for each different course to write down my notes. What good is it if I cannot create new files offline?

The second picture shows the edit mode. I added a line at the top of that document. Google Doc shows clearly that I am editing if offline mode.

Now I go back to the file list, it shows which file has been edited offline. I then turned on internet connection, and files are uploaded automatically without I having to do anything. I'd be interested to measure how soon files will be uploaded once the internet is connected, but lack the scientific way to do so.

Overall experience is good. If I am tired of working at home, and want to run to a coffee shop to work some more, but don't feel like paying a lot of money for internet connection at that coffee shop, then offline Google Docs seems like a good solution, even though I would really like to be able to create a new file offline

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