
My Best Love Story Is You

This song breaks the language barrier. I don't have to understand the lyrics, and I think it is beautiful. Although I have this song in my iTune library, I still think this version on youtube is actually better than the CD version.

Love may come in different forms. Some appears as care, some loyalty, some may be like air, something that you cannot detect but you also cannot live without, that you take for granted and that is also there to be taken for granted. It will be so romantic to hold his hands, look into his eyes, and tell him, you are my best love story.

Of course, the response will be, honey, I know (kiss), but you are still going to do the dishes tonight. And don't forget to iron the shirts too!

What a life.


Anonymous said...

If you like her, try "The Best of Piaf". You will fall in love all over again.

Sean Cheng said...

I know. I fall in love too easily.